After realizing what a fine dog Boomer was going to be, we decided to find him a suitable wife and once again, approached Waggin Tail Farms and discussed at lengths, obtaining a suitable female from Beverly Woodcock. We patiently waited for the right litter, and the morning that our Matilda was born, we went to see her and sure enough, another little baby took our hearts. This time, we opted to see and handle her every other day to get a grip on her socialization. We also brought her home at 6 weeks, which by that time, she was ready! She had perfect conformation and temperament, not to mention beautiful markings and was more chunky and stout than your average mini. Her dam having been a Toy, gave her a small compact and strong body. Matilda is sweet and extremely good natured. She is a wonderful mother and good disciplinarian. Her pups are not small boned…they are stout and little chunks and fortunately look like an Australian Shepherd. Our Toys are like this also. Mattie will retire from breeding soon, and we hope to keep a couple of her daughters for our future breeding plans.
Several years ago, we decided to look for another female pup with different bloodlines from Woodcock’s. We inquired to a local breeder that had just had a litter of pups. We noticed the dam, a black tri was quite nice and asked about her breeding. She was bred by Earl & Kay Brisbin. Long story short, two months later we spoke to the new owner once again and were given the opportunity to purchase her after she had weaned all her pups. We brought her home and she fit right in along with the rest of the Aussie Posse. I will tell you one thing folks, our dogs are so good natured that we were really surprised how well she was received amongst this clan. She was free to run on the farm, but had to learn not to chase the livestock on a whim. Bobbie has recently been retired now to a life of leisure here on the farm after producing some beautiful offspring with her main squeeze Boomer. It is wonderful to see her daughters and grand-daughters, the next generation, evolve from such a wonderful Grand-dam. Thank you Bobbie…We love you!
Charolais was one of Matilda’s first daughter’s we decided to keep for a future prospect in our program. She had quite the temperament and attitude growing up…nothing phased her. She is very well mannered and such a loving girl now. She is big boned and heavily muscled. She has been one of my all time favorite Matilda daughters. Her first litter last year was incredible…she gave us 9 beautiful babies, all chunks like her and several Champions!
Zoe is our first Toy out of Matilda that we also retained in our program. All we can say about this little darling is that she is a hoot! Zoe has incredible bone and muscle for a Toy…what we are striving for in our program. She is a very impressive little dancer and can actually moon walk. She is always in your face and cannot get enough love and treats. Zoe was shown at a Rarities show in Seattle and took numerous firsts, Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex. Everyone that sees her falls in love with this sweetie.
Clementine is our next little Toy girl, full sister to Charolais, Zoe and Blonde that we definitely decided on keeping. Like all her sisters, Clementine also shares the genetics that make her bone and muscling what we desire to see in our dogs. She is the most spoiled and ill mannered little flirt of the bunch. She is such an instigator. She loves to play all the time, and was destined to be her sister Blonde’s constant companion. She is fast…fast…fast. She was also shown by Mrs. Ruth Vanderhoof at the same show with her sister Zoe, and placed many firsts and seconds in all the puppy classes.
We always wondered if we ever were going to see the day that we got a clone of Boomer, and miraculously, it finally happened. Li’l Joe was a small baby born from the Matilda/Boomer cross and we watched him for several months as a puppy, grow into not only the spitting image of his dad, but also remain small as a Toy. He is half the size of his dad but acts like he wants to grow into twice the dog. He has big little britches to fill…and we will watch him closely and see how he develops but I have a feeling, like his dad Boomer, they don’t get any better than this folks!
When Fergie was born, we knew we had a very special little girl in the bunch and waited 8 weeks to see if she would fit the bill, and we were so thrilled to finally be able to hold on to a great Bobbie daughter. We thought at first, she would stay small…a Toy. But then saw her blossom into a beautiful small Miniature with lots of bone, muscle and a temperament as sweet as they come. The Bobbie/Boomer cross has resulted in some very nice pups and we hope the future holds true for this little girl, she is willing, smart, playful and loving.
Cheyenne was our second female chosen to be retained in our program from the cross between our Bobbie and Boomer cross and she is one awesome girl. She and Fergie are two peas in a pod…same wonderful conformation, great temperament and instinct. They also get along well together and have learned to share their mothering instincts between their litters and we always find them playing together. She is a wonderful little mama and we will be looking forward to her awesome litters in the future.